Friday, March 29, 2024

A Child's Guide to the Gods

This text is interesting both in that it provides a succinct summary of the major Orlanthi gods, complete with examples of how they were invoked by their worshipers, but also in how it betrays Mianmo's source. When she writes of Heler, Elmal and Argan Argar as the Three Thanes of Orlanth, speaks of the Yelmalion Sun Dome Temple unfavorably, and casually drops references to Ezkankekko's Esrolian title, she may as well be holding up a sign to us that she was writing from the perspective of the Haraborn clan, who served under Ezkankekko after Kerofinela was depopulated in the Dragonkill and who taught them ways to propitiate his father, Argan Argar himself. None of these, as far as we can tell, were orthodox positions across Sartar at the time that Mianmo was writing, and they offer a fascinating glimpse at the sprawling religious diversity contained within a seemingly religiously homogeneous culture.

We can only wonder, based on her writings elsewhere, whether she found the Yelmalions to be bad neighbors, and thus encouraged her readers to see them through the same unfavorable lens. Certainly the cult's emphases would have taken everything a sa-elurae would have found unpleasant about the cult of Elmal and made it all even worse. Truth against Illusion; Sun over Earth; Death-the-Pike against Life. (Yet she is positively glowing when she writes about Humakt, who is Death and Truth without Storm...)



ORLANTH is the King of Heaven. His voice is the thunder and his spear is the lightning. His father was the first storm and his mother was the holy mountain. He killed the tyrant sun to avenge his father and to save beautiful Ernalda from being his slave. He ruled the world as the first chieftain. He descended into Hell to save the world from Chaos. He is everything a man should be, and the ancestor of our people. Almighty Thunderer, King of Kings, do not turn your face away from us and our deeds, but shout our names from peak to peak!

ERNALDA is the Queen of Heaven. Her body is the earth and her gifts are everything that make life worth living: food, drink, marriage, peace, woven cloth, shaped pottery, and love itself. At the end of every year she sleeps, and at the beginning of every year she awakens. She is everything a woman should be, and our ancestor through marriage. Good Green Woman, Midwife of Time, unlock your storehouse, pour down your blessings upon us your children!


KOLAT is the spirit-wind, the shaman-wind, the Foreign Brother. It has no gender and no body. It teaches shamans how to communicate with spirits. One Without Footfall, blow the evil spirits away from our clan’s borders!

STORM BULL is the rage-wind, the beast-wind. He is unclean, gluttonous, and only knows how to fight. However, he truly hates Chaos, and his barbaric followers know no fear in the face of Chaotic horrors— only fury. Breaker-of-Spines, go forth from us and destroy the Predark with your heavy horns, your flashing hooves!

HUMAKT is the god of the sword. Its sword is Death, which separates us from our ancestors. It is the destroyer of the undead and the guardian of the underworld. It cut out its own navel after Orlanth betrayed it, so it has no family, even if it is still Orlanth’s champion. It has never broken its word. Death’s Master, turn your face outwards, set your face against our foes; against your black sword there is no victory!

YINKIN is the god of the shadowcats. He is a great hunter and a great lover; many men and shadowcats can call him their ancestor. Because we honor him as Orlanth honored him, the shadowcats are our friends and pets and guardians. Good Uncle, Walker Alone, Bedwarmer, may your family always grow!

VINGA is Orlanth’s son. Ve leads the Thunder Brothers. Vis hair is henna-red and ve carries the javelin. Whenever women must become men, they call upon Vinga. Lightning-Armed One, keep watch over the sacred hearth, keep Mahome’s fires burning!


TY KORA TEK is the keeper of the houses of the dead. She is Ernalda’s aunt, and she is barren. She knows the secrets of silence and the grave. She is not kind, but neither is she cruel. Lady of the Silent Garden, carry these offerings to our ancestors, and take this bitter wine for yourself!

MARAN GOR dances the earthquake dance. She is Ernalda’s sister, and she is barren. She made the great dinosaurs which shake the earth like she does. She does not listen to anything but shouts and dancing and wine and blood all together. Fearful One, Dancing Woman, go and visit our foes, make your home among their houses!

ESROLA is chief among the Grain Goddesses, the goddess of golden wheat. Some say she is Ernalda’s aunt, others her sister. She is the patron goddess of the Holy Country in the south, and the mother of its former god-king, who the clan remembers as Lord Victory Nightbrother. Goldenhair, Generous One, may your basket be ever full and your hand ever open!

BABEESTER GOR is the Avenging Daughter, born from Ernalda’s dead womb. She is the goddess of the axe, the goddess who drinks the blood of the world, the goddess who punishes oathbreakers and defilers against the earth. She taught us the secrets of the harvest and of preserving food to eat while the world is dead. Only her sweet sister Voria can turn her aside when she is in the wrath of the axe dance. Black Daughter, Axe Daughter, we tremble before you; we are not your prey, so pass us by!

URALDA is the Cow Mother, revered among Ernalda’s daughters for bringing blessings to the cattle. In exchange for protection and respect, Uralda’s children give us milk and meat and leather— and most of all, they are the sacrifices that many among the good gods and goddesses love best. Among our people, a wealthy person is one who owns many cows, and one who remembers to give thanks to Uralda. Sweet-Uddered One, we praise your generosity and your wisdom, may your children always be bountiful!

NANDAN is one of Ernalda’s daughters. Ne is the Birthing Man, who knows the secrets of keeping the house and tending to the loom. Ne is first among the Household Gods: the brewer, the potter, the overseer and the cook. Whenever men must become women, they call upon Nandan. Make our words sweet, Gentle-Handed One, and guide us in your mother’s ways!


CHALANA ARROY pours compassion out upon the world. She is the healer, the one who carries no weapon and eats no meat, most gentle, most beloved. She hears the cries of the world and comforts those who suffer. In the Underworld she brought respite from pain. Beautiful White Lady, take from us our pain, wipe our tears away!

ISSARIES knows how to speak with strangers, friends, enemies, and the dead. He is the merchant whose pack is full of marvelous things, the traveler who knows the ways of distant lands, the guide who is never lost. In the Underworld he led the way. Wisewalker, Goldentongue, bring us good crafts and good news!

LHANKOR MHY is the Knowing God, the Wordbringer. He invented reading and writing, scrollmaking and bookbinding. All of the knowledge of the world is contained inside his library. In the Underworld he knew the right answers. Lawkeeper, Sage of Heaven, teach us the wisdom of what has come before!

EURMAL is the worst god. It is Orlanth’s troublemaking thrall. It does everything the wrong way around. It is greedy for food and sex and laughter all the time and nothing can sate it. It is Trickster, Shapechanger, Oathbreaker. In the Underworld it was the traitor and the savior, so it saved the world, too. Idiot Clown, Vomiting Dog, go fuck yourself again!


HELER is Orlanth’s left hand. They are the rain that dances between the wild storm and the good green earth, the loyal bedwarmer of both. Once they were a mighty warlord of the Sea Tribe, but they accepted a place at Orlanth’s table in peace. They are both man and woman; they have the horns of a ram and wear the rainbow as a cloak. Good Blue God, bring us your grey-backed herds; Sweet Blue Beauty, bring pleasure to the Marriage.

ELMAL is Orlanth’s right hand. He is the rider of the Sun Chariot, banished from the court of the Tyrant Emperor for his nobility and honor. His hot blood was shed in defense of mankind while the Lightbringers walked among the dead, but even on the brink of death, he never gave up hope. The clan does not love him and his harsh light, but we detest Yelmalio of the North, Orlanth’s Rival, the New Name. We reject the Lantern Revelation and the Sun Dome. Shining Spear, Horsetamer, guard our paths, guard our hearts!

ARGAN ARGAR is (we know) Orlanth’s shadow. He is the god of the Darkness that lies upon the Earth, the god who speaks for the Darkness and teaches us how to live in peace with trolls and shadows, the god who carries a spear and wears dark glasses. His son was Lord Victory Nightbrother, who taught us the ways of his father, and how to worship him in the shape of a man instead of a troll. Lord of Obsidian, Velvet-tongue, come and sit among us, share your secrets and share our bounty!

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  1. The Glorantha Core Runes font and Sorcery rune files are copyright © Moon Design Publications. Permission is granted for use in products in Chaosium’s Jonstown Compendium on DriveThruRPG. It is also granted for personal and fanzine use, as long as a credit and copyright notice is included, the font is not altered, and no fee of any kind is charged for its use.


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